Evidence Of Use Report

Augumented Reality


IKEA place Augmented Reality Furnishing

A client-server computing environment is provided for generating and rendering a photorealistic three-dimensional (3D) perspective view of a 3D object.iews.


Try-on platform for eyeglasses

A system for providing intraction between a 3D reprasentation of a selected pair of glasses and a fully-textured 3D face model.



CMOS Image sensor

The invention relates to a CMOS image sensor. The image sensor comprises: a memory formed on the chip to store outputs from the logic circui

apple watch series 6

ECG Signal

A line between adjacent extrema, either a local maximum to a local minimum or visa versa........


Cancer cell

Cancer treatment method

A method of treating cancer and the Multidrug Resistance Phenotype via inhibition of cellular thiols, such as Glutathione S-Transferase (GST).


Electrocardiographic assessment

(Body Viotals) Electrocardiographic assessment

A system and method for estimating the risk of arrhythmia in a patient using electrocardiographic analysis.


Bone repair device

The present invention relates to an appratus for treating a spinal disorder, comprising: a sleeve having a socket end


Annotating an image

Annotating an image

The invention relates to a method and system for visually annotating an image, comprising: an user interface for presenting digital image.

Trading system

Trading system

A system for reducing the time for a trader to place a trade.


HTTP Protocol

It is obvious that every computing device when connected to data network follows a network protocol.....




An antenna device haiving multiple RF antenna element for receiving RF energy to generate electricity.

AT&T Netbond with MPLS VPN

AT&T Net Bond With MPLS VPN

The users create a virtual Virtual network connection and select a VPN for creating....

Technical Databases

Patent Database

Orbit | Derwant | PatSnap | Patseer | Google Patents | Espacenet | PATENTSCOPE | Free Patent Online

National Patent Office Database

USPTO | DPMAregister | Invenes | CIPO

Asian Country National Patent Database

KIPRIS | J-Plat Pat | PSS System | TIPO | KIPRIS

Non-patent Literature Search Database

IEEE | ETSI | ITU | 3GPP | JSTAGE | BASE | Google Scholar | PubMed | MDPI | Medline | Bioline International | STN |(HCAPLUS,BIOSIS) | PubChem | ChEMBL | Embase | ChemSpider | STN (Registry) | Scifinder | FSTA | ScienceDirect | SpringerLink

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