If you’re reading this post, then we can assume that either you’re searching for freedom to operate search cost or product clearance search cost.
And we have a short answer for you – it depends and usually varies from $10,000 to $50,000.
“Enjoy a trouble-free market debut with Wissen Research’s Freedom to operate (FTO) search services. We offer in-depth FTO/clearance search reports highlighting existing patent obstacles in commercializing or using a new product, technology, or process.” Get in touch with our experts today! Contact Us
However, if you want a detailed answer about the cost of the FTO search service and the factors on which the cost depends, keep reading!
The cost of freedom to operate (FTO) analysis search depends upon various factors, including:
FTO search cost directly depends upon the complexity of the project. A complex FTO analysis demands a thorough and detailed search, which increases the project’s cost.
An expert needs to evaluate multiple factors while defining the FTO search scope; these include:
And these are some of the key aspects that define the freedom to operate a search project scope. If the FTO search scope is broader, the overall cost will be higher.
Some patents are valid in specific jurisdictions on the other hand some patents have global protection. An FTO patent analysis that includes multiple jurisdictions impacts the project cost.
The experience of an FTO search service provider can directly impact the project cost. These firms have experienced FTO professionals with a proven track record of handling complex projects and delivering quality results. You can expect an in-depth FTO search analysis report for enhanced decision making.
Cross references increase with the higher number of product features and components. This broadens the product patent search and impacts the overall project cost.
A patent expert needs to analyze legal status of a patent such as active, expired, or pending for examining infringement risks.
A comprehensive freedom to operate (FTO) search covering all legal patent statuses increases the project’s complexity and expense.
The number of years to be covered while conducting an FTO search impacts the cost. Analyzing patents from different durations, particularly when searching for older or more recent patents, broadens product scope, which may increase the overall cost.
For a business looking for a stress free market debut conducting a freedom to operate analysis becomes extremely important. With a comprehensive search report businesses can pin point potential infringement risks and prepare a risk mitigation plan.
We offer tailored product clearance search report costs. Reach out to our subject matter experts at Wissen Research and discuss your overall FTO project requirements in detail. Based on your project requirements and details, our team will share a customized project cost ASAP. Get in touch today!