Patent Drawing Report

Software Drawings

software drawing-1
Software drawing-2
software drawing-3
software drawing-4

Structure and Graphical Drawings

structure drawing -1
Structure Drawing -2
graphical drawing -2

Design Drawings

design drawing-9
design drawing-8
design drawing-6

Design and Utility

design & utility -10
Design & utility -11
Design & utility -8

Technical Databases

Patent Database

Orbit | Derwant | PatSnap | Patseer | Google Patents | Espacenet | PATENTSCOPE | Free Patent Online

National Patent Office Database

USPTO | DPMAregister | Invenes | CIPO

Asian Country National Patent Database

KIPRIS | J-Plat Pat | PSS System | TIPO | KIPRIS

Non-patent Literature Search Database

IEEE | ETSI | ITU | 3GPP | JSTAGE | BASE | Google Scholar | PubMed | MDPI | Medline | Bioline International | STN |(HCAPLUS,BIOSIS) | PubChem | ChEMBL | Embase | ChemSpider | STN (Registry) | Scifinder | FSTA | ScienceDirect | SpringerLink

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