During our childhood, we all had a habit of disassembling our toys to explore their inner workings. Back then, this curiosity often led to us getting scolded. However, this same process has now become a means to determine if a patented technology is incorporated into a product or service. This examination of the fundamental elements of technology is referred to as Reverse Engineering.
Reverse engineering involves the deconstruction of an object to analyze its design, structure, code, and constituent parts. Its purpose is to gather insights into the components utilized during the object’s creation. This method is applicable to technology, software, and even genetic material found in plants and animals.
It has the capability to help you determine whether a particular company in the industry is utilizing your patented inventions. Our team of experts in reverse engineering possesses extensive experience in various types of analysis.
The outcomes of reverse engineering serve as proof of usage and can be compared to relevant patent claims to establish instances of patent infringement.
Reverse engineering is practiced across different industries, tailored to each organization’s specific needs and requirements. It serves various purposes, such as product improvement, understanding the application of patented technology, data recovery, and even product or invention re-designing.
Furthermore, reverse engineering aids in addressing a common issue that often leads to the failure of patent licensing – the absence of evidence that the patented invention is being utilized in a third party’s technology.
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