A Trademark Search is a process that allows businesses to decide whether they can go forward using the trademark or not for commercial purposes so that they can avoid infringing any third party’s trademark.
It gives assurance that your trademark rights are protected. If related or specific names come up throughout the search, your chances of getting your mark registered are weak. As a result, conducting a Trademark Search before submitting/filing a trademark application is essential.
It saves the cost that you would have spent on getting a trademark that’s not available. Your trademark should be unique and original so that you can be distant from infringement litigations. You can get the flexibility to make modifications to your trademark before launching with the help of an in-depth Trademark Search. Therefore, it helps you in reducing the costs of litigation and eliminate the chance of forced re-branding.
A Trademark Search requires a high level of expertise, proficiency and an extensive procedure that brings out the best results. Businesses frequently work with our experts to get superior results while also being effective and efficient. Such partners stand next to you and offer speedy findings on existing identical trademark names that fall under the same classifications and have access to multiple databases, therefore, making Trademark Search easy for you.
You can get the details about already-existing or registered trademarks. This also gives you information related to any similar and existing brand name, logo, and list of prohibited trademarks. Trademark Search assists you to avoid any conflicts with already existing trademark applications along with violations of intellectual property rights.
A clear-cut answer is to search “Trademark”. A Trademark Search helps you extract information related to similar trademarks that can limit your capacity to protect your mark. Trademark protection allows your customer to know that the goods or services are coming from you. Also, you can make it difficult to copy your trademark.
We have the ability to search for different types of trademarks, such as word marks, image marks, and phonetically similar marks, etc., to ensure comprehensive coverage.
Additionally, we conduct comprehensive trademark searches using public and commercial trademark databases that provide us with coverage of jurisdictions in 190 countries and 50 US states. Some of these include Questel/Markify, SAEGIS, USPTO-TESS, WIPO Hague Express & Madrid Monitor, etc.
A knockout search is performed to review all pending federal trademark applications, live trademark registrations, and abandoned trademarks on file in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Knockout search does not include searches for phonetically similar marks, common law marks (unless they appear on a cursory Google search), or international filings.
An essential step is to ensure that your trademark is actually available for use before you invest the time and expense in building your brand. Wissen Research offers Knockout Trademark Search reports that identify any obvious conflicts with your potential new trademark or help identify problems.
Mainly, the report will contain all the registered, filled and dead trademark details related to the owner we searched for.
Owner search and monitoring services also help in analyzing competitors’ trademark information and finding your trademark details worldwide.
Specific jurisdiction searches provide trademark details for specific jurisdictions, including common law searches, making it easy to make a decision for your trademark needs through this service.
We conduct deep searches into particular jurisdictions through national PTO and paid databases to ensure we cover all possible trademark details.
We offer artificial intelligence trademark search reports with a proprietary statistical methodology using over 1 million official cases where two marks have been found to be confusingly similar by a government official.
We also provide AI Trademark Clearance Report in less time, which provides 360-degree analysis with high quality that does not miss anything and that can be analyzed easily and fast.
Wissen Research has a dedicated team of trademark experts with many years of experience in the trademark domain for various worldwide clients. We deliver reports keeping in mind the client’s needs so that our clients can take necessary decisions based on the reports.
Wissen Research provides trademark searching services to pharmaceutical and life sciences companies, luxury fashion brands, and global food and beverage corporations, among others. At Wissen Research, we offer the following trademark services to resolve trademark-related queries.
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