What is a Soundmark

What is a Soundmark ?

A sound mark is a form of trademark that identifies and distinguishes a product or service through audio, musical composition (melody). A sound mark is also known as a sound trademark.

It also represent the products or services depending on the popularity of the goods and services which a company offers.

However, in recent years, sound mark has been a popular way to do marketing which help brand to communicate and do interaction with the consumer, user or audience. 


Here are some Examples of sound marks

  • Nokia’s default cell phone ringtone

This tone has been the icon of finnish corporation Nokia since the 1990s and it became the first recognizable musical ringtone on a mobile phone.

  • MGM Entertainment – Roaring Lion

This is a registered sound trademark of the roaring lion in the MGM Entertainment introduction video.

  • Law & Order’s “Chung Chung”

That iconic two-strike “chung chung” sound was created by composer Mike Pos. It is used for law and order in the United States.

  • Mcdonald’s sound mark “i’m lovin’it

This a registered sound trademark of a reputable fast-food company called McDonald’s. It symbolizes the love for food and services provided by McDonald’s. 


The main benefits of a sound trademark are:

  • Unique in the Market

This implies that you will be the only person who will be able to sell products or services with that particular sound mark. The registering of the sound mark will give you an official ownership. This will prevent other from using a sound mark.

  • Strengthens Business Reputation 

Development and achievement of your business also improve the brand value at an early stage. Sound trademark registration can guarantee makes a powerful and remarkable brand that can build the reputation of your business in the market.

  • Attracts potential investors 

Every business needs heavy investment to reach its defined goals and also for its stability in the market. Indirect way sound mark and trademark helps enterprise to attract customers as well investors.


The sound trademark registration process varies depending upon the country you reside.

They are two types of sound trademark registration National and International trademark registration. 

Generally, a sound trademark must meet the same requirements as of trademark. That means it should be a unique, or distinctive sound and not more than 30 seconds.

According to the USPTO, you will need to submit an application through the Attorney which will then be reviewed to determine whether the mark meets the various qualifications

You will also need to submit an audio file containing sound mark that you wish to register and protect.

Furthermore, audio can also be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, and one can sue violators in a same way as trademark infringement.

For international sound mark registration, these are ways through you can apply.

WIPO registration

WIPO is a global organization which makes IP policy, information and solve issues and it work under United Nations. With Madrid System you only need to submit a single application and onetime fee to protect your sound mark in up to 124 countries. 

EU Registration 

EUIPO stands for European Union Intellectual Property Office is a decentralized agency of the European Union which manage protection, issues and dispute related IP.

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